Viewing the Measurement and Java Reports

The JVM Information page contains charts about CPU usage, heap, classes, and threads, as well as detailed tables about JVM arguments and system properties.

To view the measurement

On the Measurements page, click the measurement name. The JVM Information page appears.

To view threshold information

If thresholds were set on the measurement, shaded areas on the applicable charts show how the samples performed against the minimum and maximum threshold limits.

To zoom in on chart information

  1. Select the chart then click and drag on the portion of the chart to be zoomed in on. Each of the charts on the JVM Information page synchronously zooms to the same level, making it easier to correlate data across the charts.

  2. Double-click the chart to return it to normal.

To view detailed chart information

The Classes and Threads charts are linked to reports that give more detailed information.

Click a node in the chart to open the corresponding report, as follows:

To use the JVM Arguments table

The JVM Arguments table contains information about options passed to the JVM when starting the Java application. Hover over any argument to see a tool tip description of the argument.

To use the System Properties table

The System Properties table contains information about the Java application that is running. Hover over any property to get a tool tip description of the property.