Top Resource Consumers

Top Resource Consumers provides a quick way to see what is the most resources in the application measured by the current Performance Profile, and enables you  to go directly to the reports that supply detail about those consumers.

Note: When two report icons appear on the same resource row, details about a resource are available in two different reports. The resource consumption total for a resource may differ in these two reports. One report, for example, may represent the total for a resource within a single transaction, while the other represents the total across all transactions.

  • Top CPU Consumers shows as many as 20 of the top consumers of CPU time. Depending on the sample, the CPU report may then be divided into three categories:

  • Programs

  • Queries

  • Transactions-DL/I - Other

Click next to a resource to open an appropriate related report at the level on which the associated percentage is described.

  • Top Wait Consumers shows as many as 20 of the most significant causes of wait time. Depending on the sample, the CPU report may then be divided into three categories:

  • Programs

  • Queries

  • Transactions-DL/I - Other

Click next to a resource to open an appropriate related report at the level on which the associated percentage is described.

  • Top EXCP Consumers shows as many as ten DDNames associated with the highest number of EXCPs recorded during the measurement session, along with their type, number of I/O operations counted, and the associated data set names. (For non-VSAM data sets, the count value represents the number of blocks of data transferred during the measurement session, not the number of physical I/O operations performed on the data set.) Click next to a DDName to open the Data Set Characteristics report and view details about it.

  • DB2 DDF Top SQL Activity appears in Db2 DDF Performance Profiles. It displays the five largest consumers of:

  • Target statements by total CPU time

  • Target statements by total elapsed time

  • Executing statements by average CPU time

  • Executing statements by average elapsed time

Click next to a category to view additional levels of detail about a Package.