Program XAPGMBT1

Main batch program without a linkage section. It reads an input file with a number of car manufactures, uses this information to select a number of cars from a Db2 table and writes the result to an output file. Example JCL that can be used when defining the component:

//            DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),
//            UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(15,5)),
//            DCB=(LRECL=132,RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=27984)
//            DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),
//            UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(5,1),RLSE),
//            DCB=(LRECL=80,RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=32720,DSORG=PS)

The input file looks like this:


It will produce an output file that looks like this:
