Module DFSDLA30 is the DL/I Communications Call Handler. The interregion copy module DFSCPY00 invokes it for second pass analysis and execution of IMS TP calls.

DFSDLA30 validates the call parameters and processes most of the TP call. It interfaces with the IMS queue manager to retrieve and write segments from/to the IMS message queues, and invokes many other modules to assist in the call process.


Module DFSDLA30 should not use significant CPU unless the job is one that inserts many message segments, for example, a large report, to the IMS message queues.

DFSDLA30 is divided into many subroutines. If CPU in this module appears to be excessive, recreate the Performance Profile and specify Detail for this module. The IMS systems programmer should assemble this module and determine which subroutine is using the CPU.

Reference Sources

More information is available in the IMS TMSOURCE Library Data Set. See your IMS systems programmer.