DFHCMP is the CICS monitoring program that collects monitoring information and intercepts all calls to the trace program. It calls DFHTRP if necessary.

DFHCMP collects data about the performance of all user and CICS-supplied transactions during online processing for later offline analysis. DFHCMP interprets entries in the MCT (monitoring control table) to extract and record the monitoring information.

In CICS 2.1, DFHCMP is not only invoked for monitoring functions, it is also invoked for CICS trace functions. At CICS trace points, DFHCMPis given control. It then calls DFHTRP, the CICS trace control program. Even though monitoring is not active, DFHCMP is still being invoked.

In CICS 5.1, the CICS monitoring compatibility module is invoked by the old event monitoring point of EXEC CICS ENTER TRACED to interface to the monitoring domain.


CICS monitoring is useful for both improving performance and charging your users for the resources they use. You can turn on the monitoring facility by specifying MN=ON on the system initialization table. MN=OFF is the default.

You can turn monitoring off at the system level, and turn it on again by using the master terminal (CEMT) transaction.

For example

  • CEMT INQ MONITOR - tells you whether monitoring is switched on or off, and which classes of monitoring data are being collected.

  • CEMT SET MONITOR - lets you select the classes of monitoring data you want to collect, and switch monitoring on or off.

Reference Sources

CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Diagnosis Reference

CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Customization Guide