Test Rules

Rule testing ensures that a rule achieves the desired outcome. At completion, you get an explanation that describes the results.

Perform Rules Testing

  1. Start the Fault Analytics Viewer and select Administration. The Administration panel appears.

  2. Select the Rules icon. The Edit Rules panel displays.

  3. From the Rule  Name column, select a rule to test by clicking the check box. Then click Test.

  4. The Test Rules dialog box appears.

  5. Select whether you want to test only active rules, only inactive rules, or both active and inactive rules.

  6. Select one of the following radio buttons depending on how you want to enter event data, then complete the fields as described:

    • Use an Existing File - Select an event file by entering its path and name or by browsing to it. The rule evaluation process collects data from the file, which eliminates the need to manually enter data. Any manually entered data is ignored and only one file can be selected.

    • Manually Enter Data - Enter the value for a field name manually in the box next to its name.

  7. Click Execute Test to begin the test. The test results appear at the bottom of the dialog box.

See Also

Rules Overview

Rule Examples