Tree Map Reports

For reports using a tree map, the chart represents the overall view of the measurement. The display proportionately correlates to the metric value (such as CPU time) to be able to quickly identify hot spots, while also providing a focused view of the data. In addition to the size of each section, the colors allow quick identification of high value sections. Warmer colors represent larger values than cooler values.

Within each section, the text in the upper left displays the data for the current level. The text in the lower right will display highlights of data at the next lowest level.

Using Tree Map Reports

To navigate to the next level of the report, either the area in the tree map or the row in the table can be clicked. Both methods yield the same result.

Clicking the back arrow just above the tree map chart or in the bread crumb list at the top of the chart can be used to navigate to the previous levels.

The toggle in the upper right of the chart allows the data to be displayed with actual values or a percentage of the totals.

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List of iStrobe Reports


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Transaction CPU Usage

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