Percent of Run Time Serviced by I/O

Percent of Run Time Serviced by I/O shows the percentage of run time spent by I/O facilities in servicing the activity.

Service time includes all time during which the servicing unit was busy performing the required access operations. For example, service time for disk I/O operations includes time spent by the servicing disk access mechanism during the seek, search, and data transfer operations.

The report further breaks down the I/O facility use of each file access activity by unit and volume in the I/O Facility Utilization report.

The I/O service time percentage for task execution is always zero. Service time for access to elements such as program load modules and overlays is shown in STEPLIB or JOBLIB activity. The report attributes I/O operations performed for data sets (such as open, close, catalog management) to the pseudo-activity .FILEMGT.

More about the Resource Demand Distribution report