Percent of Run Time Serviced by CPU

Percent of Run Time Serviced by CPU is the percentage of run time spent by a CPU in servicing or performing the activity.

The sum of CPU service percentages is equal to or greater than the EXEC time percentage reported in the Measurement Session Data report. This percentage can be greater than the EXEC percentage in a multitasking environment when more than one CPU simultaneously executes for the measured job step.

The reported CPU service time percentage for execution of a task includes the time required for the program itself, the subroutines it invokes, library routines, and some supervisor calls. It does not include CPU time associated with file management operations ascribed to individual file access activities or to .FILEMGT.

The CPU service time percentage reported for a file access activity represents the CPU time required to execute IBM-supplied access method routines to access the data set. The report ascribes activity in data management SVCs, some ISAM and BDAM access method modules, and all unidentified files to the pseudo-activity .FILEMGT. A high percentage of run time in a CPU resource indicates that the percent of time processing an application program that did not involve I/O was high. With this information, you can refer to the Program CPU Use report and analyze a specific application program's resource use.

More about the Resource Demand Distribution report