Additional measurement parameters

  • System(s) requested shows the system(s) on which you selected to run your measurement request when you operated Strobe in a multisystem environment. If you specified that this request can run on any system in the sysplex, this field will contain "All systems". If you select a list of systems, the list will appear in this field. If you chose to submit the request on all systems in the sysplex except specified systems, a list of the excluded systems will appear with the label "All systems except".

  • Request group is the name of the request group of which this measurement request is an element. A request group is a collection of measurement requests that have been saved together under one name using AutoStrobe groups. This field appears only if you are using Strobe's AutoStrobe option.

  • Concurrent set is the name of the concurrent set to which this request group element belongs. A concurrent set consists of two types of request group elements: a trigger request and one or more related requests. The trigger request is denoted with (T). This field appears only if you are using Strobe's AutoStrobe option.

  • Concurrent set elements: The job names of the request group elements that comprise the concurrent set. The trigger request, if present, is denoted with (T) which appears to the left of the trigger request jobname. A maximum of 20 request group elements are listed in this field. If there are more than 20 request group elements in the concurrent set, a plus sign (+) appears to the right of the last request group element. This field appears only if you are using Strobe's AutoStrobe option.

  • Module map baseline shows the value of the baseline percentage specified in the DETAIL BASELINE field of the Strobe - MODULE MAPPING panel. Strobe will not map load modules with a percentage of execution samples less than this value.

  • Baseline Overrides lists the names of modules for which Strobe will obtain control section mapping information regardless of the percentage of execution samples gathered. Strobe will map these modules even if their execution of samples is less than what you specified in the DETAIL BASELINE field of the Strobe - MODULE MAPPING panel.

  • Libraries lists the names of the libraries specified in which Strobe locates module mapping data.

  • Services gives the SVC numbers for which you have requested detailed reporting. Execution and wait activity within the modules invoked by the SVCs appears in subsequent reports in the Profile.

  • Attributors shows any attribution operands you specified from subsidiary panels of the Strobe - ADD REQUEST panel.

  • Options shows any optional attribution or data collector operands. Review these options to verify those that you specified in your measurement request.

  • WebSphere parameters shows Strobe for WebSphere installation parameters. For details, see the Strobe System Programmer's Guide.

  • Java targets shows any Strobe for Java targeting information.

More about the Measurement Session Data report