Report Data tab

The Report Data section of the Measurement Session Data report shows parameters specific to Strobe. The parameters that display in the report are the ones used to generate the profile. Examine these fields to ensure that changes made to the reports appear the way you expected.


  • SYSIN is

  • Report resolution gives the specified target size (in bytes) for the codeblocks into which Strobe collects consecutive instructions for detailed reporting.

  • Sortsize provides the specified sort core size available to the system sort/merge program invoked by Strobe.

  • DASD parameters shows the value of any specified DASD parameters:

  • DASD: shows the baseline specified percentage of DASD usage that a cylinder must exhibit for a separate section to be printed in the lowest-level breakdown of the I/O Facility Utilization report. The default is 2%.

  • DASDGAP: shows the number of inactive cylinders for the DASD Usage by Cylinder report.

  • DDIO parameters shows the value of any specified DDIO parameters:

  • DDIODATE: Whether a DDIO file should be used to index a source module when its date and time does not match that of the measured CSECT. Default N (No). •N (No): date and time do not have to match exactly. •Y (Yes): date and time must match exactly.

  • DDIOCPT: The minimum percentage of CPU activity a CSECT must exhibit to determine whether it should be indexed using a specified DDIO file.

  • TUCS% shows the baseline specified percentage of execution samples that a transaction must exhibit for a section to be printed in the Transaction CPU Usage report.

  • Attribution lists parameters used when creating attribution reports.

  • Parameters summarizes additional information from the Strobe TAILOR REPORTS panel.

  • C/C++ parameters shows the threshold for reporting on detail lines when creating C/C++ reports (specified in Strobe as CPRT=n.nn).

  • CA Gen parameters shows Strobe for CA Gen parameter values.

  • Java parameters shows Strobe for Java parameter values.

  • PUBP% shows the specified baseline percentage of execution samples a codeblock must exhibit for a separate codeblock line to print in a Program CPU Usage report.

  • Compress names the module prefixes that were specified to be compressed into pseudo-sections.

General Parameters

  • ALLCSECT shows inactive control sections.

  • ALLDD shows all DD statements on the Time and Resource Distribution Demand reports.

  • ALLTASK shows all tasks on the Time and Resource Distribution Demand reports.

  • ALOCUNIT =type Specify the unit type for a temporary work file for iStrobe: BLK, TRK, or CYL.

  • ATTR =nn.n Minimum percentage of activity for the Attribution reports.

  • ATTRLINE =nn.n Minimum percentage of activity for Attribution report line item.

  • CF ={YES|NO} Produce the Coupling Facility Activity report if there is coupling facility activity on the system (YES) or never produce this report (NO).

  • CMT =”comment” (AutoStrobe users only) Add a comment for the measurement session history record.

  • COLLHIST (AutoStrobe users only) Create measurement session history record.


  • COMPRES =[(](xxx=.grpname) [,(xxxxxxxx=.grpname),...)] Suppress detail.

  • CRPT =nn.n Minimum percentage of C or C++ activity to appear on the C/C++ Section Usage Summary and CPU Usage by C/C++ Function reports.

  • DASD


  • DATE =dateformat Date format to be printed in reports.

  • DATESEP =dateseparator Date separator to be used in date format.

  • DBRMBASE =nn.n (AutoStrobe users only) Minimum percentage for collection of measurement session history for a Package.

  • DDIOPCT =nn.n Minimum percentage of CPU activity for a CSECT to determine whether it should be indexed using a specified DDIO file. Default 5.0%.


  • DSA








  • JAVARPT =nn.n Minimum percentage of activity for Java reports.

  • LINEMAX =nnn Lines per page.

  • MEISA Produce Most Extensively Inactive Storage Areas Report.


  • MQCALL =nn.n Minimum percentage of activity for the WebSphere MQ Call reports.

  • MQTRAN Report IMS transaction-level detail on the CPU Usage by Module by MQSeries Call and Wait by Module by MQSeries Call reports.

  • NOATTR [=(xxx[,xxx,...])] Suppress the Attribution reports.

  • NOCRPT indicates that you suppressed the CPU Usage by C/C++ function report.

  • NODASD indicates that you suppressed the DASD-level breakdown of the I/O Facility Usage report.

  • NODLI indicates that you suppressed the Activity by DL/I Request report.

  • NODSCS indicates that you suppressed the Data Set Characteristics Supplement report.

  • NOJAVRPT Suppress Java reports.


  • NOMAP [=(modname[,modname,...])] Suppress module mapping.

  • NOMEMOBJ Suppress z/OS Memory Objects report.

  • NOPROC indicates that you suppressed the detailed CPU use by Procedure report.

  • NOTASK indicates that you combined reporting of all tasks within the program into a single line in the Resource Demand Distribution and Time Distribution of Activity Level report. By default, the report shows a single entry for each task.

  • NOTRAN indicates that you suppressed the Transaction CPU Usage report.

  • PUBP =nn.n Minimum percentage of activity for a procedure on the Program Usage by Procedure report.

  • REPJOB =jobname Replacement name for job name in measurement session history record.

  • REPNAME =text Performance Profile title.

  • REPSTP =stepname Replacement name for step name in measurement session history record (AutoStrobe users only)

  • RESLTN =nn Report resolution in bytes.

  • SORTSIZ =nnnnnn Sort core size in bytes.

  • Sortsize provides the specified sort core size available to the system sort/merge program invoked by Strobe.

  • TIME =timeformat Time format to be printed in reports.

  • TIMEPCT is the minimum percentage of CPU or run time.

  • TIMESEP =timeseparator Time separator to be used in time format.

  • TRANBASE =nn.n Minimum percentage for collection of measurement session history for a transaction (AutoStrobe only).

  • TUCS =nn.n Minimum percentage of activity for the Transaction Usage by Control Section report.

  • TXPRPT =(tran|tran,tran,...|trn*) Specify up to five CICS transactions or sets of transactions for which Strobe provides detailed performance information.

  • WRKPRIM =nnnn Primary space allocation for a temporary work file for iStrobe.

  • WRKSEC =nnnn Secondary space allocation for a temporary work file for iStrobe.

  • WRKUNIT =unit The unit for a temporary work file for iStrobe.

  • WRKVOL =volume The volume for a temporary work file for iStrobe.



DB2 parameters shows Strobe for Db2 report parameter values.



  • Detail lists the system modules or control sections that were specified. Normally, all activity within system modules combines into pseudo-entities, with a single line on a report representing each control section of a system module. This setting suppresses this compression for the specified modules.


  • SQL=[MAXLEN=nnnn| CPUTEXT=nn.n|WAITTEXT=nn.n] Customize the reporting of SQL activity. MAXLEN specifies bytes. CPUTEXT and WAITTEXT specify percentages.



DDF parameters shows Strobe for Db2 DDF report parameter values:

  • DDFAUTHID =xxxxxxxx Filters DDF reports by the DDF authorization ID that is specified, up to a length of 8. The DDF authorization ID must have been specified as a measurement parameter to use the DDFAUTHID report filter.

  • DDFAVCPU =nn.nnnnn Sets the minimum average CPU time threshold (in seconds) that must be met or exceeded, before the activity of an SQL executing statement appears on the DDF reports. There is no default. An executing statement, executes SQL statements on behalf of a target statement.

  • DDFAVCPU (average CPU time) and DDFAVEXE (average execution time) are minimum average thresholds (in seconds) for SQL executing statements. (An executing statement executes SQL on behalf of a target statement.) If an executing statement meets or exceeds either threshold, it will appear on the DDF reports. There are no default values for either DDFAVCPU or DDFAVEXE.

  • Note: Thresholds that are set to 0 are ignored and do not affect the output of the DDF reports.

  • DDFAVEXE =nn.nnnnn Sets the minimum average execution time threshold (in seconds) that must be met or exceeded, before the activity of an executing SQL statement appears on the DDF reports. There is no default. An executing statement, executes SQL statements on behalf of a target statement.

  • DDFCORID =xxxxxxxxxxxx Filters DDF reports by the DDF correlation ID that is specified, up to a length of 12. The DDF correlation ID must have been specified as a measurement parameter to use the DDFCORID report filter.

  • DDFDBRM is a filter that supports an exact match on a Package name, up to a length of eight.

  • DDFEUTRN =xxxxxxxx Filters DDF reports by the DDF end user transaction that is specified, up to a length of 32. The DDF end user transaction must have been specified as a measurement parameter to use the DDFEUTRN report filter.

  • DDFEUUID =xxxxxxx Filters DDF reports by the DDF end user USERID that is specified, up to a length of 16. The DDF end user USERID must have been specified as a measurement parameter to use the DDFEUUID report filter.

  • DDFEUWKS =xxxxxxx Filters DDF reports by the DDF end user workstation that is specified, up to a length of 18. The DDF end user workstation must have been specified as a measurement parameter to use the DDFEUWKS report filter.

  • DDFONLY =[YES|NO] Suppresses all Strobe reports except for the Measurement Data Session and the DDF reports: DDF SQL CPU Usage Summary, DDF SQL CPU Usage by SQL Statement, and SQL Statement by Package by Requester. The default value is DDFONLY =YES, which suppresses reporting and is the recommended value. If NO is specified, the following reports are generated, which attribute 100% of the wait time to system services: •Data Set Characteristics •Data Set Characteristics Supplement •Resource Demand Distribution •Time Distribution of Activity Level •Wait Time by Module

  • DDFONLY: whether all Strobe reports except for the Measurement Data Session and the Db2 DDF reports were suppressed.


  • DDFREQL =xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Filters DDF reports by the DDF requester location that is specified, up to a length of 16. The DDF requester location must have been specified as a measurement parameter to use the DDFREQL report filter.

  • DDFTLCPU =nn.nnnnn Sets the minimum total CPU time threshold (in seconds) that must be met or exceeded, before the activity of a target SQL statement appears on the DDF reports. The default is DDFTLCPU=0.0. A target statement is a user’s SQL statement.

  • DDFTLCPU (total CPU time) and DDFTLEXE (total execution time) are minimum thresholds (in seconds) for SQL target statements. (A target statement is the user's SQL statement. ) If a target statement meets or exceeds either threshold, it will appear on the DDF reports. The default for DDFTLCPU is 0.5 seconds. There is no default for DDFTLEXE.

  • DDFTLEXE =nn.nnnnn Sets the minimum total execution time threshold (in seconds) that must be met or exceeded, before the activity of a target SQL statement appears on the DDF reports. There is no default. A target statement is a user’s SQL statement.

    • DDFCORID (correlation ID), DDFREQL (requester location), DDFPRMID (primary authorization ID), DDFSCDID (secondary authorization ID) are used to filter DDF requesters. Only exact matches are supported. Up to two filters can be used. A DDF requester is the source of the SQL executing in the DDF address space.


SQLAF parameters show SQL Analysis settings:

  • AUTHID specifies the value entered in the Authorization ID field.

  • CATCRID specifies the value entered in the Catalog collection ID field.

  • DBNAME specifies the value entered in the Database name field.

  • DBRMNAME specifies the value entered in the Package field.

  • EXPLAIN indicates which SQL analysis reports were requested: E - EXPLAIN output; T - Access path translation; O - SQL coding observations; S - Catalog statistics

  • PTCRID specifies the value entered in the Creator ID field.

  • RULTHRSH specifies the name of load module containing a set of threshold values specified in the Rule threshold set field.

  • SETATHID indicates whether Connect as Authorization ID was checked (Y) or not (N).

  • SSID specifies the value entered in the DB2 subsystem field.

  • TSNAME specifies the value entered in the Tablespace name field.

  • TOPCPU specifies the value entered in the TOTAL N USERS field.

  • TOPWAIT specifies the value entered in the TOP N WAIT  field.


  • TOTALCPU specifies the value entered in the TOTAL CPU PERCENT > field.

  • TOTWAIT specifies the value entered in the TOTAL WAIT PERCENT > field.

  • USEPTRWS indicates whether Use existing PLAN_TABLE rows was checked (Y) or not (N).


  • NORLIRPT Suppress CICS Region Level reports.

  • NOTXPRPT Suppress CICS Transaction Profiling and Region Level reports.

  • RLIBASE =nn.nnn Minimum value in seconds for the CICS Region Level reports.

  • TLIBASE =nn.nnn Minimum value in seconds for reporting on CICS Transaction Profile reports.

  • TXPONLY Suppress non-CICS Transaction Profile reports.




WebSphere parameters shows Strobe for WebSphere parameter values.

  • NOWAS Suppress the Strobe for WebSphere Application Server activity reports.

  • WASCNTS =nnn Suppress detail lines in Strobe for WebSphere Application Server activity reports based on a count threshold.

  • WASRPT =nnn.nn Suppress detail lines in Strobe for WebSphere Application Server activity reports based on an average response time threshold.




  • TOPTEXT is the number of CA Gen statements with the most CPU activity.

SQL Statement Analysis Messages

Identifies applicable SQL Statement Analysis Messages. Clicking the icon next to the STR95965W SQL Statement Analysis Message allows you to directly view the SQL Statement text.


More about the Measurement Session Data report