Measurement Data tab

The Parameters section of the Measurement Data tab shows values specified by the user when the request was added.

  • Estimated Session Time is the estimated duration of the measurement session, in minutes.

  • Target Sample Size is the selected sample size. This value is the number of samples you request Strobe to take during the estimated session time.

  • Request Number is the number that Strobe assigned to the measurement session. (A) indicates an active request, and (Q) indicates a queued request. An active request is a measurement request for a program that, at the time of the request, was currently executing. A queued request is a measurement request for a program that, at the time of the request, was not yet executing.

  • Request Type

  • QUETRAN is the CICS transaction ID used to trigger the start of this measurement request.

  • Requested Start Date: For scheduled measurement requests, the date you specified for the measurement to be submitted. This field appears only if you are using the scheduling feature of Strobe's AutoStrobe option.

  • Requested Start Time: For scheduled measurement requests, the time you specified for the measurement to be submitted. This field appears only if you are using the scheduling feature of the Strobe's AutoStrobe option.

  • Final Action shows the action that Strobe took when it reached the target sample size in its last measurement session. It gives the number of sample data sets created (blank if 1) followed by the final session action (QUIT: stop sampling and terminate the request; STOP: stop sampling and suspend the request).

  • Profile Run Date is the date the iStrobe profile was created.

  • Profile Run Time is the time the iStrobe profile was created.

  • System(s) Requested identifies the system requested for measurement.

  • Options shows the attribution or data collector operands that you specified. Review these options to verify those that you specified in your measurement request. For more information on specifying data collector options, see the Strobe User Guide.

  • DDF Parameters

  • Retry Interval: For scheduled active measurement requests, the number of minutes that you want Strobe to wait before trying to initiate the measurement session again, if Strobe initially cannot find the target job. This field appears only if you are using the scheduling feature of Strobe's AutoStrobe option.

  • Retry Count: When you schedule an active measurement request, you can specify the number of times that you want Strobe to attempt to initiate the measurement session again, if Strobe initially cannot find the target job. Retry Interval Count is the number of times remaining from the number of measurement session initiation attempts that you requested. This field appears only if you are using the scheduling feature of AutoStrobe.

  • Profile Start Date is the calendar date on which the Performance Profile was created.

  • Profile Start Time is the time of day on which the Performance Profile was created.

The Statistics section of the Measurement Data tab shows these values:

  • Total Samples Taken shows the total number of samples collected during the measurement session.

  • Samples Processed gives the total number of samples selected for processing. This number may be lower than the value in Total Samples Taken. If Strobe collects twice the number of samples specified in Total Samples Taken, Strobe halves its sampling rate. Because Strobe collected some samples while it was sampling at a faster rate, Strobe needs to discard some of the samples collected. Strobe discards enough samples so that the samples processed and the information in the Performance Profile maintain an even distribution of samples across time.

  • Initial Sampling Rate is the rate at which samples were being taken at the beginning of the measurement session, expressed in samples per second to the nearest hundredth. Strobe calculates the initial sampling rate based on the expected session duration and the target sample size (rate=size/duration). Strobe does not allow the sampling rate to exceed 500 samples per second.

  • Final Sampling Rate is the rate at which samples were being taken at the end of the measurement session, expressed in samples per second to the nearest hundredth. If this rate is lower than the initial sampling rate, Strobe has automatically reduced the sampling rate at least once after collecting more than twice the target number of samples. Strobe processes measurements spaced at the sampling rate in effect at the end of the session. To maintain this distribution, Strobe discards the appropriate number of samples taken at higher sampling rates. Strobe's discards do not affect the validity of the measurement, but a final sampling rate lower than the initial sampling rate suggests that you should increase your estimate of the program's run time for later measurement requests. Strobe does not allow the sampling rate to exceed 500 samples per second.

  • Dependent Enclave TCB Time shows the amount of CPU time observed in dependent enclaves. A dependent enclave represents the continuation of an existing address space transaction under a new set of dispatchable units. Its performance goal is inherited from the existing address space transaction based on the service class (or PGN) and period being used to manage the address at the instant that the dependent enclave is created. CPU service consumed by a dependent enclave is treated as if it were consumed by the address space transaction, and can cause the address space along with the dependent enclave to switch to later periods.

  • EXCP Count shows the number of EXCP (I/O) requests issued from the measured address space during the measurement session. For details, click to view the Top EXCP Resource Consumers report.

  • EXCP Rate shows the average rate at which the measured address space issued EXCP (I/O) requests during the measurement session. If a timing control table (TCT) was not in use during the measurement session, this value is zero. A high EXCP rate correlated with high wait time alerts you to look at the following reports: Data Set Characteristics, VSAM LSR Pool Statistics, I/O Facility Usage.

  • Eligible Java executed on zAAP lists the percentage of Java eligible for execution on zAAP processors that actually was executed on zAAP processors.

  • Eligible work executed on zIIP lists the percentage of work eligible for execution on zIIP processors that actually was executed on zIIP processors..

More about the Measurement Session Data report