Job Environment tab

Job environment shows the following information about the Performance Profile:

  • Job is the name of the job under which the program or subsystem executed.

  • Job Number is the Job Entry Subsystem (JES) number of the target job.

  • Address Space ID is the system-assigned identifier of the address space in which the target program or subsystem executed.

  • Step is the name of the job step, or of the procedure step and job step, in which the program or subsystem was executed. For nested procedures, the procedure step name in the invoking procedure and the step name of the invoked procedure appear.

  • Program is the name of the program in which execution of the target program or subsystem was initiated.

  • Session Start Date is the calendar date on which the measurement session was initiated.

  • Session Start Time is the time of day at which the measurement session was initiated.

  • Condition Code shows the condition code, if the target program terminated normally while it was being measured. If the target program terminated abnormally, this field shows the completion code. This field does not appear if the measurement completes before the target program completes.

  • System is the version and release number of the operating system that executed the target program or subsystem. Sometimes, to understand all aspects of performance, you need to know the specific operating system version and release level.

  • Data Facility indicates the release of DFP (Data Facility Product) or DFSMS (Data Facility System Managed Storage) under which the measurement was performed.

  • CPU Model/Processor is the model number and the processor of the central processing unit that executed the target program or subsystem. Because the processor model can affect certain aspects of performance, occasionally you may need to reference the manufacturer's timing information for the CPU for a detailed explanation of measurement results.
    The CPU processor is introduced with iStrobe 18.02 PTF SBG451A.

  • SMF/System Name identifies the System Management Facility (SMF) ID and MVS system name on which the measurement session was performed. If you are not using Strobe in a multisystem environment, the label SYSTEM ID appears with the value of the four-character SMF ID.

  • LPAR shows, for OS/390 systems running in LPAR mode, the name of the logical partition on which the target job executed.

  • 64-bit Architecture: Enabled appears when the operating system being used is 64 bit.  If the operating system being used is not 64 bit, the field populates as Disabled. If an icon appears next to the 64-bit Architecture detail you can view the z/OS Memory Objects report.

  • Number of zAAPs: The number of zAAPs (z-Series Application Assist Processors) on the measured LPAR. Appears when the LPAR on which a measured Java application ran used zAAP processors. If an icon appears next to the Number of zAAPs detail you can view the Specialty Processor report. This is the only method for navigating to this report.

  • Number of zIIPs The number of zIIPs (z-Series Integrated Information Processors) on the measured LPAR. Appears when the LPAR on which a measured application ran used zIIP processors. If an icon appears next to the Number of zIIPs detail you can view the Specialty Processor report. This is the only method for navigating to this report.

  • Region Size < 16M is the size of the region below the 16-megabyte address line available during the measurement session.

  • Region Size > 16M is the size of the region above the 16-megabyte address line available during the measurement session.

  • Measurement Release is the release of the components of Strobe that gather performance data about the measurement application.

  • Reporter Release is the release of the Strobe reporter program. The Reporter is the component of Strobe that transforms Strobe measurement data into the reports in the Strobe Performance Profile.

  • Strobe PTF Level is the number of the highest Program Temporary Fix (PTF), if any, applied to the Strobe system. The first string shows the highest PTF number for modules executed during the measurement session. The second string indicates the highest PTF number for modules executed during reporting. The third string indicates the PTF level that was supplied on your distribution media. The link opens a list of PTFs that have been applied to the Strobe Reporter programs used to create this profile.  Compuware Technical Support may use this list for problem resolution. If an icon appears next to the Strobe PTF Level detail you can view the PTF Details report.

  • Sample Data Set provides the name of the data set created and recorded internally for the sample data set. If you renamed the sample data set, the new name does not appear.

  • Input Sysin Report Parameters include those parameters the user entered when they set up the performance profile.

More about the Measurement Session Data report