VSAM appears if Strobe determines that the data set uses Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) and can access the catalog information.

  • Freespace is the number of bytes of free space remaining in the component. When displayed in units of 'K' (Kilobytes), 'M' (Megabytes), and 'G' (Gigabytes), this value will not be exact.

  • SHR opts are the share options specified for the VSAM data set. This information may not be available for VSAM data sets processed under earlier versions of Data Facilities Product (DFP).

  • CI/CA is the number of control intervals in a control area.

  • CI free is the percentage of control interval that is set aside as free space when the cluster is initially loaded, during a mass insert, and after any split of control intervals. This parameter applies only to key-sequenced clusters and relative-record clusters with variable record lengths.

  • CA free is the percentage of each control area that is set aside as free space when the cluster is initially loaded, during a mass insert, and after any split of control intervals. This parameter applies only to key-sequenced clusters and relative-record clusters with variable record lengths.

  • Index levels is the number of levels in the index component at the last time Strobe detected activity in the data set.

  • Attributes shows the attributes of the VSAM definition parameter:

  • RCVY indicates that the cluster was defined with the RECOVERY parameter, which causes VSAM to preformat each control area before data is written.

  • SPEED indicates that the cluster was defined with the SPEED attribute, which does not result in any preformatting of control areas.

  • IMBD indicates that the cluster was defined with the IMBED parameter, which specifies that the sequence-set record for each control area is written as many times as it will fit on the first track of the data control area.

  • REPL indicates that the cluster was defined with the REPLICATE parameter, which specifies that each index record is written on its own track as many times as it will fit.

  • User records is the total number of logical records in the data set the last time Strobe detected activity in the data set. If the total number of user records exceeds 999,999,999, the report displays the amount in units of G (billions of records).

  • Logical Operations tracks the following types of VSAM operations:

  • Deletes is the number of logical records that have been deleted during measurement.

  • Updates is the number of logical records that have been updated and rewritten to the component during measurement.

  • Retrieves is the number of logical records that have been retrieved from the component. This count includes 'get for update' requests that occur via the REWRITE verb and the GET macro that specifies 'for UPD'.

  • Inserts is the number of logical records that have been inserted during measurement. This count does not include ESDS or KSDS records that are loaded or added to the end of the data set.

More about the Data Set Characteristics report