HFS/zFS Data

  • File Type shows the definition of the file, REGFILE for a normal file or FIFO for a named pipe.

  • File System Type defines how the file is mounted and identifies the type of manager. A File System Type may be user-defined.

  • INODE displays the file identifier

  • Device number shows an identifier for the mounted file system. When a non-unique INODE is encountered within a measurent, the device number can be used further to identify the file. (An INODE is guaranteed to be unique only within an HFS.)

  • File size shows the size of the file in bytes.

  • I/O Blocks shows the number of blocks read from and written to during the Strobe measurement session

  • Bytes shows the number of bytes read from and written to during the Strobe measurement session

Strobe reports the I/O blocks and bytes statistics only if the System Management Facility (SMF) is configured to produce type 92 records. For more information, see the Strobe Installation and Customization Guide.

More about the Data Set Characteristics report