EXCP count

For VSAM data sets, EXCP Count shows the number of I/O operations performed on the data set during the measurement session. Because Strobe derives VSAM counts from the samples taken during the measurement session, they may not match the EXCP counts recorded by SMF.

Note: With ICI data sets, Strobe does not show a value in this field. This omission occurs because VSAM does not keep the necessary statistics.

For non-VSAM data sets, this value represent the number of blocks of data transferred during the measurement session, not the number of physical I/O operations performed on the data set.

For concatenated data sets on the same volume, EXCP counts appear in the entry for the first data set within the concatenation.

For data sets in the Hierarchical File System (HFS), EXCP counts are collected only if STROBEfor  UNIX System Services is installed at your site.

Hint: When the number of EXCP counts is high, verify that the block size is optimal to ensure the least I/O operations for the block size with the most data stored upon the device.

More about the Data Set Characteristics report