DDNAME is the data definition name assigned to the data set. A program may access a VSAM data set by more than one DDNAME, but Strobe tracks the VSAM data set by only one DDNAME. For VSAM files in which data set name sharing is in effect, the DDNAME that Strobe tracks depends upon the information available to Strobe when the file is first active. You can access VSAM data sets through other DDNAMES such as the DDNAME assigned to the base cluster or path. For alternate indexes in the upgrade mode, Strobe creates a DDNAME by appending a number to the DDNAME associated with the base cluster of the alternate index. Strobe reports PGM=*.DD in this column to indicate the use of a compile/link/go procedure. A refer-back results in a DDNAME entry of PGM=*.DD in the Task Input/Output Table.

For Hierarchical File System (HFS) files and zSeries File System files that are allocated to the measured MVS task, the DDNAME will be the MVS DDNAME. For all other HFS files, the DDNAME will be ".HFSnnnn".

More about the Data Set Characteristics report