
This section of the Data Set Characteristics report appears if a data set was processed by the BatchPipes subsystem.

Note: For data sets processed by the BatchPipes subsystem, the Buffer Number column of the Data Set Characteristics report represents the number of records the pipe is capable of holding (the pipe depth).

  • Wait count displays the number of times the job step was forced to wait because the pipe was either full (for a writer job) or empty (for a reader).

  • Wait time displays the total amount of time spent waiting on a full pipe (for a writer job) or an empty pipe (for a reader job).

Hint: A high value in this field may indicate a processing disparity between one or more of the pipe partners. For example, a reader job is reading the records from the pipe faster than the writer job is writing them. If this is the case, consider exploring ways to balance the pipeline. For more information, see IBM BatchPipes/MVS Users Guide and Reference.

  • Wait-for-Open-time displays the total amount of time spent waiting for a pipe partner (either a writer job or a reader job) to become active. If the value for this field is zero, this field is not displayed.

  • Pipe partners displays the name(s) of the job(s) that have been designated as reader or writer partners for the measured job. The system ID is also displayed if the pipe partner executed on another system in the BatchPipePlex (SmartBatch environments only). This field displays a maximum of four pipe partners. The comment more than four pipe partners exist is displayed if there are more than four pipe partners observed during the measurement session.

More about the Data Set Characteristics report