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Checking for available updates on Compuware's online update server.
A connection to Compuware's online update server could not be established.
See the Web Server settings page to manage proxy server settings.
Manual Compuware Web Products Update
This option allows you to update Compuware Web Products by uploading an update file.
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Update steps
  1. Upload the Compuware Web Products update
  2. Apply the update. Compuware Enterprise Services will automatically restart to complete the maintenance operation. It is recommended that users log out before proceeding; otherwise, users may experience inconsistent behavior during the upgrade.
Upgrade Database
Manual Topaz Workbench Update
This option allows you to upload a Topaz Workbench update file that will be hosted as an update site within Compuware Enterprise Services.
The following error occurred

SQL Executed

The database upgrade was successful, however, the following error occurred while granting access to one or more views in the database:
SQL Executed:
To resolve this issue download the grants script located at the following location and have your database administrator manually run the script against this database:
Note: This location is relative to where Compuware Enterprise Services is installed.